Training is on a group or one-to-one basis - either in person or via Zoom, Skype, Teams or Webex. It can be in any configuration (weekly, monthly, bi monthly, half-day, whole day, weekends, (joke) with a focus on spoken communication, vocabulary and functional language skills. Content is a mix of business and non-business topics and designed to allow the participants to speak and practise (with feedback). This might included about their work and company, the economy, politics, social policy, the media, culture, history, international relations,  IT, technology or travel. Any training can also be used to prepare for presentations, meetings, interviews or speeches in English.

Method and Approach

Method is based on Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) which focuses on spoken communication built around tasks which promote language learning. There is an emphasis on "functional skills" which allow participants to explain, describe, present, justify, negotiate, offer opinion, disagree and ask for clarification.


Courses are focused on individual needs with clear learning aims within the context of a company or organisation. A key part is the building of confidence in English and an improvement in fluency. This is supplemented by learning outside the seminar room and an emphasis on authenticity in materials, language and situations discussed. Materials are also related to the specific professions of participants when needed.